Type: Double New England IPA (DIPA)
Alkohol: 8,4 %
Størrelse: 440 ml.
Land: England
Untappd: 4,13
Beermatch's Noter:
Nyt og meget hypet Britisk bryggeri på shoppen og i Danmark for første gang. De gør sig primært i humlet øl og er kendt for at bruge moderne teknikker og eksperimentere med forskellige humlesorter, for at kreere deres innovative og velsmagende øl.
Fra Bryggeriet:
Our biggest and hoppiest beer to date, Big G was brewed to celebrate reaching 100 batches from our home in Windsor. Loaded with Citra, Citra cryo, Citra Dynaboost and absolutely tonnes of Nectaron.
This beer is dedicated to all our wonderful customers, indie stockists and everyone else who has supported us to get to this milestone, we are incredibly grateful for all your support.
Here's to the next 100!